Poetry Podcast Episode 3
Dylan Thomas’s “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night”
Aidan Morris, Layout Editor
February 21, 2024
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Aidan Morris, Layout Editor
Hello! My name is Aidan Morris and I am a Senior here at ROHS. As a layout editor, a position I share with Estela, I work to create the layout of the magazine putting together the ads, photos, and stories. When I’m not writing and working on Layout’s, I enjoy going on walks, going to the ponds at the graveyard, spending time with friends, and going bowling. I have been a member of the ROHS bowling team for 3 years now. My favorite memory was when we beat North Farmington at home last year. I can’t wait to see how my final year of Acorn goes and I am certain it will be a wonderful year.

Lilliana Heline, Web Editor
Hi! My name is Lilly Heline and I am a Senior here at ROHS. This is my 2nd year on the Acorn and first year as web editor! I'm super excited this year for the start of the Acorn website. Outside of school, I love reading, travelling, and spending time with friends. I also play softball for the high school and am the starting varsity pitcher. My favorite movie is Fast and Furious, and my favorite flowers are Blue Hydrangeas. I am super excited for my last year at ROHS!