Five freshman runners and a long summer of conditioning may well send the ROHS Girls Cross Country Team to the state meet for the first time in three years.

The team is near the best it’s been in years with the addition of multiple talented runners, including freshmen: Olivia Peterson, Mia Maccani, and Kennedy Copenhaver, who all managed to break varsity times and have been running all of the varsity races after their first meet. These runners helped Royal Oak pull out a win at the Holly Invitational, with both Peterson and Maccani earning medals. Even after a great start to the season, the athletes still aim to reach higher.
“I want to do well at states,” said Maccani, “Well, I [at least] want to get there.”

Others have similar ambitions. The top three teams in the region advance to the state meet, and Royal Oak is currently ranked 3rd.
“I’m kind of excited,” said Copenhaver. “If we make it, I feel like it’s a big honor to say you made it to the states.”
The team has been preparing with hard workouts for the Regional Meet, which takes place on October 26th on Royal Oak’s home course, and will determine what teams advance to the state meet.
All of the freshmen have shown large improvement throughout the season. Both Ceridwen Schmitt and Ava Magat have improved their PR’s (personal records) by around 4 minutes.
“I feel really proud,” says Schmitt. “I didn’t think I would be able to do it, but I feel like working with everyone really made it so I could.”
The incredible season the freshman are having comes from the hard work they put in during the summer program, which offers optional practices starting in late June and going
Monday-Friday, led by captains Katie Macey, Anna Macdonald, and Lucy VanHaerants.
“I thought it was so much fun. I really loved summer practice,” said Schmitt.
The summer wasn’t all about work. It also allowed for the team to bond through celebrations, team breakfasts and driving to area metro parks to run.
“I enjoyed running in different places and areas, and the team brunches were fun,” said Magat

Coaches Dela and Don Jackson continue to incorporate bonding experiences with occasional fun runs to 7-11. They also host team dinners for the runners. Copenhaver described the team environment as fun and supportive.
“It’s really nice. I feel like everyones really close,” she said.
Magat agreed, saying, “It’s really good. Everyone’s really nice and the coaches are really sweet.”
At the end of the summer training, the coaches sponsored an overnight camp out, which included longer runs and lots of team activities.
“I liked the bonfire on the last night,” said Maccani.
“I liked team bonding and the lake was fun,” said Magat.
During the camp, the runners participated in a relay through the woods nicknamed the GLR. It’s a chance for the runners to do a practice race before the season starts.
“Oh yeah that was fun! I was a little nervous before, but it was really nice to cheer on like everyone- not just the girls team, but the boys team too, and see everyone there,” said Schmitt.
The camp helped jumpstart the year by connecting the freshmen to the team and preparing the team to compete. The team has been working hard over the last few weeks to prepare themselves. After much effort and dedication, and a great first season for the freshman, the team is ready to take on the last few meets of the year.
“I really, really like cross country and I plan on doing it every single year I’m here,” Schmitt said.