As the school year starts, it’s refreshing to see that the senior officers and their advisers have bright goals. With the guidance of advisers Ray McMann and Jessica Rivard, the Class of 2024 officers are ready to do their best to ensure a promising last year for their class and leave their mark on ROHS.
Class of 2024 President: Sam Klonke
Class president, Sam Klonke, uses his skills in note taking and communication, as well his involvement in football, NHS and student council to be a leader and the liaison between his peers and administration. Klonke plays a key role in taking initiative, delegating responsibilities and collaborating with the other class officers. His own goals include building a community that brings everyone together, while simultaneously working hard on his extracurricular activities.
“I want the whole class to be a part of this year and be a part of what we do,” said Klonke, who cites his motivators as his brother and family, as well as former Class of 2022 class president Peter Merten.
Class of 2024 Vice President: Ceci Irwin
Class vice president, Ceci Irwin, a multi-sport athlete in cross country, basketball, and soccer, offers support to the other senior class officers- primarily class president Sam Klonke. She also ensures that sound communication is maintained between the officers and the class advisers, and between members of the senior class and the class officers.
“I wanted to be an advocate for the senior class, see what they wanted and get it done,” said Irwin.
Her role as a class officer is preparing Irwin for college. Her mom inspires her to make sure she’s involving everyone and staying true to her morals. Irwin’s main goal is to generate school spirit and involvement from her class. She also wants to make sure everyone has a good year by finding a good balance to avoid stress and inspiring excitement as this year progresses.
Class of 2024 Secretary: Jordan LaBarge
Class Secretary, Jordan LaBarge, expressed her excitement for senior activities like Halloween and senior dress-up-day. Her main goal for this year is to stay positive and motivated, while she balances a schedule of swim, student council, NHS, her schoolwork and personal hobbies. LaBarge appreciates the collaborative aspect of her role as a class officer who works with her peers, and is excited to make the most of her senior year, having fun while putting herself out there.
“As a senior class, it’s our duty to set good standards and work together,” said LaBarge, whose priority in her daily life is making sure everything’s balanced and that she isn’t sacrificing her sense of self. She does this by prioritizing her mindset, using relaxing walks and music so she can be the best Class of 2024 Secretary that she can be.
Class of 2024 Treasurer: Raquel Kraniak
Class Treasurer Raquel Kraniak handles a lot of the logistics of the senior class, using her math skills to keep records of funds for events like homecoming senior reception, graduation, and more. Kraniak shared her excitement for graduation, and the importance of finding a great venue, sharing that it seems like it will be a nice last celebration with all the seniors before they embark on their college journeys.
“I really understand the need of all of our senior class to have an overall fun year,” said Kraniak, who likes to take walks to balance the sense of responsibility she feels as a student and leader. She notes the importance of communication as crucial for learning and gaining what you need. Kraniak cites her brother as her mentor and a source of inspiration.
Class of 2024 Historian: Maggie Lynch
In addition to taking photos at senior events and creating the senior class video, Class Historian Maggie Lynch shared her own goals and anticipations as her senior year begins.
“My main concern is making sure it’s inclusive,” said Lynch, who has a goal of making sure every single person in the senior class is included in the class video at the end of the year.
Lynch is a member of Unified Soccer and Interact Club, and serves as a co editor in chief of Acorn Newsmagazine. She also participates in her own stress-relieving after school activities like coloring and babysitting. Lynch expressed her gratitude for having other senior class officers that care and value every student as they assist each other with their responsibilities in their last year as Ravens.
Senior Class Adviser: Ray McMann
Senior Class Adviser Ray McMann brings several years of experience to his role, and is orienting new adviser Jessica Rivard to the work involved in organizing senior events and advising the officers throughout this school year. McMann guides the officers and helps them to consider options and reflect on their experiences.
“My number one goal is that the five officers take initiative–so that way we can have a fun senior year with all parties involved,” he said.
Senior Class Officer adviser: Jessica Rivard
New senior class adviser, Jessica Rivard, has the role of overseeing and encouraging the class officers as they make decisions, all the while offering her input as a mentor.
“My goal is for the students of the senior class to encourage them to advocate for what they want out of their senior year. This is a new role for me, so I’m excited about doing all the meaningful events,” said Rivard, who shares a lot of the same excitement as the officers for events like prom, graduation, and ultimately the growth seen throughout the year.
The senior officers and advisers have many goals and promising decisions in the making, and are working hard toward an exciting final year for the class of 2024. As the year continues, all of the Ravens will be able to see the promising things the officers have been working hard on.