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Jumpstarting Old Traditions

Jumpstarting Old Traditions

Juniors take on Seniors in 2022 ROHS Powderpuff Game

 Royal Oak High School held its first powderpuff football game since 2019 on November 3rd on the ROHS field, where the seniors defeated the juniors by a score of 14-7. 

Powderpuff is a game that traditionally involves junior and senior girls, and abides by flag football rules, while also encouraging boys to serve as cheerleaders for the teams. 

Powderpuff did not take place from 2020-2021 due to COVID-19 regulations and was canceled in 2022 due to a lack of participation.  Many schools that participate in powderpuff games create unique traditions. Some examples of traditions that make the ROHS Powderpuff event more entertaining for students are the creation of team uniforms for each of the classes, pre-game pep talks to get everyone “pumped,” and special half-time performances. 

While the seniors won this year’s contest, the juniors made the game competitive.

 “The seniors scored on us right off the bat, but we held our defense until the fourth quarter,” said junior Victoria Emery.

Varsity football player and powderpuff coach, Colton DeShais commended the juniors’ perseverance and ability to put up a last-minute fight. 

“We had our rough moments,” said DeShais. “Me and Sam often thought it was like teaching toddlers how to walk, but in the end, we were proud of how they pulled through.” 

Throughout the game, the senior boys cheered on their team from the sidelines, performing a series of basket launches and pyramids after being taught by senior cheerleaders Katie Binkowski and Sophia O’Branovic.

 “I think we did an overall very good job.” said visiting German exchange student Lewis Holland. “It was a lot to memorize all the cheers, but it was fun, and I would definitely do it again.” 

Sam Aicher, another German exchange student, also enjoyed his experience as a cheerleader.

 “It was a great experience, because in Germany, we don’t have cheerleaders, and it was very funny being a part of the group and taking part in the practices,” said Aicher. “It was hard, but I think we did a good job, and we were able to put on a great halftime show.”

Senior offensive lineman, Braylin Hickey was not only happy with the impressive win, but was pleased with the bonds that developed. on the senior team.

 “I loved being with all the girls. We all fought hard for each other, and this season brought us all together a little more as classmates,” she said.

When asked about final efforts in the game, junior quarterback Megan Haun was happy that the juniors gained strength as the game progressed.

 “We had a rough start with our fumble, but our blockers became a lot more comfortable throughout the game and our defense became our strongest factor,” she said.

The final score of the game was a 14-7 overtime win. The juniors prepared to redeem themselves next year while the seniors celebrated their victory. 

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